Thursday, December 31, 2009

Reflecting on 2009

2010 is in less than 13 hours. HOLY SHIT Y’ALL!

Wow! This year has totally flown by. It really does seem like we were just at the beginning of 2009. But a lot has happened this year too. I started thinking about everything and came up with a pretty good list of major events(good AND bad) from 2009:

  • I crept one year closer to turning 40. Damn I’m getting old.

  • I visited someone very special to me that I hadn’t seen in nearly 20 years.

  • I found out the company I work for was being bought out and that I would be laid off in early 2010.

  • I surprised my best friend and little sister by flying out to be at her baby shower. Because, of course, I just HAD to be there.

  • I stumbled onto Twitter and it SAVED MY LIFE. Ok, so maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but it has totally been The Awesome.

  • I had the priviledge of attending BlogHer@Home and met some absolutely awesome and down-right funny people! (And the BEST Longhorns fans EVAH! HOOK EM!) (And trust me the links above don’t even BEGIN to cover all the amazing people I met. I promise I’m not trying to slight ANYONE!)

  • I finally committed to going back to college and finished my first semester (with A’s, yo! WOOT!)

  • I emancipated mah boobies! Are you shocked? ME TOO! (Yes I’m crazy, but not so crazy to give you the link right to it. If you send booze, then we’ll talk.)

  • My son came out to Utah and visited for the 2nd year in a row (I’m definitely hoping for a 3rd year too!)

  • And with all of that going on, I finally began to find my voice. It took a while, and it’s absolutely a work in progress, but it’s been a lot of fun so far. I look forward to see where the journey leads in 2010.

    I wish all of you a safe and Happy New Year! I sincerely hope that 2010 brings you lots of joy! Bottoms up!

    All my love,


    thepsychobabble said...

    It totally made my day that you consider me one of the many awesome people you met at blogher@home. Seriously, goofy grin and all. Thanks:)
    May 2010 be good to you!

    PrincessJenn said...

    Awwww... I'm so glad you enjoyed BlogHer@Home! That means so much to me.

    And dude... you posted on boob emancipation? I bow down to your bravery!